Spiritual Direction Certification
We believe Holy Listening is at the core of spiritual direction. It’s listening to one another, and most attentively to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The real and most genuine spiritual director is always the Holy Spirit.
Our primary purpose is to train people who feel called to be such spiritual friends, spiritual companions; however, those who are interested in deepening their own spiritual practices are also welcome.
Within the Christian tradition, we are grounded in the Trinitarian faith. However, we recognize that there is deep spiritual wisdom that can be found in other faith traditions. We will draw on those traditions and will integrate them from a Christian perspective.
Request Information
Take the next step toward completing your Spiritual Direction Certificate at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
Get StartedTake the next step toward completing your Spiritual Direction Certificate at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.
The admission process includes an application, personal essay and background check. A recommendation is required from a faith leader or spiritual director and a professional or personal contact.
Please note: Applications to the program are currently paused until January 2026.
Program Overview
The certificate program is designed to identify your potential in becoming a spiritual director, to assist you in discerning a call to this ministry, to formulate a model of spiritual direction and chaplaincy and to develop the specific skills required to serve as a spiritual director.
For more information about the program, please contact Rev. Melanie Dobson at melanie.dobson@soongshinkid.com or 803.461.3229.
Next Intensive Cycles
The next cycle will begin in January 2026. Applications are due November 12, 2025, and are accepted based on rolling admission.
- Early January 2026
- Mid June 2026
- Early January 2027
- Mid June 2027
Program Cost
Total cost for the program is $3,000, which includes tuition and meals. Participants find their own lodging. On-campus housing is limited and is available at a rate of $50 a night.
Spiritual Direction Reunion Groups
Our June 12-15, 2024 intensive week is open for participation by Spiritual Direction Certification program alumni.
The cost of this four-day program is $375 per person, which includes all events, instruction sessions and meals. One-with-one spiritual direction is also available for an additional fee. A limited amount of on-campus housing is available for $50 per night (note your interest in the registration form).
If you have questions about the program, please contact Kim Heindl at kim.heindl@soongshinkid.com or 803.461.3228.